John Edens
College of Liberal Arts Cornerstone Fellow
Recognizes outstanding and sustained contributions to research, teaching, and service

Sherecce Fields
American Psychological Association Interdivisional Mentoring Award
For promising new scientists in the fields of behavioral neuroscience, comparative psychology, experimental psychology, and psychopharmacology

Stephen Maren
Pavlovian Society President
Dedicated to the scientific study of behavior and promotion of interdisciplinary scientific communication

Les Morey
Society for Personality Assessment Walter Klopfer Award
Bestowed for a distinguished contribution to the literature in personality assessment

Mark Packard
American Psychological Association Fellow
Recognizes unusual and outstanding contributions or performance in the field of psychology, including having a national impact on the field.

Mark Packard
College of Liberal Arts Cornerstone Fellow
Recognizes outstanding and sustained contributions to research, teaching, and service

Doug Snyder
Distinguished Alumnae Award-University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Recognizes outstanding achievement in the field of psychology.

Jyotsna Vaid
Society for Psychonomic Science Fellow

Jyotsna Vaid
Texas A&M University Honors Teacher/Scholar Award
Identifies, celebrates, and encourages participation in Honors instruction by accomplished scholars.