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College of Arts & Sciences

Frequently Asked Questions for Graduate Admissions

How do I apply?

Please go to and create an account there.  After you log in, click on “View Programs” and look for our posting under “Department of Statistics, Texas A&M University”.  Follow the instructions on our posting. Please note, letters of recommendation need to be submitted by the letter writers, not the applicant.


Can I apply for both MS and PhD programs at the same time?

Applicants may indicate that they are interested in both programs on one application.


How many applicants do you accept each year?

We receive approximately 400-600 applications each year and we are able to admit 10-20 new students each year, depending on funding and the strength of the applicant pool.  The actual number of admitted students varies from year to year.


What are the prerequisites?

Applicants are required to have finished taking Calculus I and II, Matrix Algebra, Calculated-based Probability, and have some experience with computer programming. Most of our admitted students have taken a real analysis course before entering the program. Applicants with a strong background in mathematics, statistics, and computer science are preferred.


Are TOEFL scores required? What is the minimum score accepted?

TOEFL scores are required for International students who have not already received a degree from a University in the US or other countries where the primary language is English. There is no department requirement for minimum TOEFL score but a good score will be helpful for admission.  The University requires a minimum TOEFL score of 80.


Am I eligible for a TOEFL waiver?  

TOEFL may be waived if you have completed all credits for a Bachelor’s Degree or higher in the United States at one university.


Can I substitute GMAT scores for GRE?

No, we do not accept GMAT scores in place of the GRE.


What is the length of the program?

It typically takes 2 years for a student to receive a Master’s degree, and 5 years to receive a PhD. The Master’s program and PhD program are two separate programs. A Master’s degree is not a prerequisite for the PhD.


When will applicants be notified of the Admission decision?

Admissions are made on a rolling basis.  Applicants will be notified on a case-by-case basis from January to April.


Why can you not make decisions earlier?

We receive hundreds of applications and the review committee works hard to review each with careful consideration, but this often takes a significant amount of time.


Can I start as a new student in the Spring?

No, we only accept new students for the fall semesters.


Do you accept non-degree seeking students?

Due to the structure of our program, we are not currently accepting non-degree seeking students.


Will you accept late applications?

Yes, but there is no guarantee that late applications are fully considered. We start to evaluate applicants and make decisions immediately after the application deadline is passed. A late application is considered only when there are still slots available at the time this application comes in.


Can I edit my application?  

You may edit your application until the day of the deadline.  Application materials may be added on different days until the application has been submitted.  


Can I update my GRE score or other application materials after the deadline?

Yes, you can, but the admissions committee will only use the information available when it meets to make decisions.  If your updated information comes after the decision on your case has been made, it won’t affect the decision.


Can I schedule a tour/will I be granted an interview?  

Admitted students who are in the US will be invited for a campus visit.  We receive too many applications to grant individual interviews.


Is financial aid available?

The department is committed to providing students with highly competitive financial support. All students in the PhD program have five-year support, provided satisfactory progress is made towards the degree.


How can I check my Application status?

Using, you are able to view all of the documents submitted for your application. You can elect to have email notifications sent when your letters of recommendation are uploaded to the website.


What resources does Texas A&M University offer international students?

The International Student Services (ISS) department works with students, staff and faculty on a variety of issues including employment, immigration regulations, health insurance, visa and travel resources, and living and community information. Call their office at (979) 845-1151 for additional details.