COMM 484: Internship
Although not required, a communication internship can greatly enhance one's learning and career prospects. Eligibility requirements for COMM 484 internship course credit are:
- Securing an internship
- Minimum 2.5 gpr
- Have been a COMM or TCMS major for at least two semesters OR a COMM minor with at least 12 hours of COMM.
If you meet these eligibility requirements, and you would like to enroll in COMM 484, please submit the:
Application for COMM 484 - Internship
JOUR 484: Internship
A media internship is needed to complete a JOUR degree or minor. These internships (and require) students to perform original journalistic production work, while completing a minimum of 200 hours on the job. To enroll for JOUR 484 hours, students must have completed JOUR 203 before the term of the internship begins. To enroll in JOUR 484, please complete:
Application for JOUR 484 - Internship
Undergraduate Teaching Academy (UGTA)
The Undergraduate Teaching Academy is in internship program run through the Department of Communication & Journalism. In this program, students are paired with instructors to gain hands-on training in classroom management, organization, and instruction. To participate in UGTA, undergraduate students must be selected by a CMJR faculty member and complete:
Application to serve as a UGTA in the Department of Communication and Journalism
COMM 485: Directed Studies (Mediation)
Students enrolled in the Communication Leadership and Conflict Management (CLCM) Certificate are required to enroll in a special section of COMM 485 that is dedicated to mediation training. To apply for enrollment in this course, please complete:
Application for COMM 485 - Directed Studies (Mediation)
COMM 483: Health Communication Practicum
COMM 485: Directed Studies (General)
For students wishing to complete a general Directed Study with an instructor, please fill out the following form. It is a student's responsibility to obtain the form and to get the instructor's signature.
Students interested in becoming a COMM or JOUR minor should complete:
CMJR Certificate Applications: (To learn more about eligibility requirements for each certificate, visit CMJR Undergraduate Certificates:
Certificate in Communication Leadership and Conflict Management
We are working on forces with CMJR Department majors only at this time.
For non-CMJR students: please check Howdy frequently to monitor seats in your desired course.
For CMJR students: please fill out the force request form: https://forms.gle/AHjy6j1wg9u6ApRx7