Delaney Couri
  • PhD Program


Delaney Catalina Couri is a fourth-year doctoral candidate at Texas A&M. They are currently writing their dissertation which focuses on the intersection of queer and religious identity as represented on television. They are deeply invested in religious and LGBTQ+ communities and use their work, both academic and otherwise, to help increase tolerance and understanding with the goal of creating thriving communities for all. 

Delaney has been a Texas A&M student since 2015, receiving both their undergraduate and graduate degrees from the College of Education and Human Development at Texas A&M University. Over their near decade at the university, Delaney has been involved in organizations related to furthering the cause of intersectional justice and is proud to have worked in Student Government’s Diversity Committee, with the College of Education and Human Development’s Social Justice Collective, and as a member of the Difficult Dialogues Project. An avid writer, Delaney has published over 40 blogs in collaboration with the Graduate and Professional School as a part of the Aggie Voice Blog Ambassador Program. Most importantly, Delaney is passionate about education and professional development, receiving the Distinguished Graduate Student Award in teaching in 2024 and serving as a Graduate Mentoring Academy Facilitator since the program’s inception in October 2021. 

Delaney finds the most joy in community with others and is very close with family, friends, and their cat, each of whom motivates Delaney to be the best they can be. 

Courses Taught

  • COMM 203: Public Speaking*
  • COMM/RELS 257: Communication, Religion, and the Arts
  • COMM 101: Introduction to Communication**

*Served as Assistant Course Director and Instructor

**Teaching Assistant Role

Selected Publications

  • See blogs linked above.