Juliet  Letteney
  • PhD Program


Juliet Letteney is a Ph.D. student and instructor in the Department of Communication & Journalism. Her research interests involve the use of rhetorical criticism as a tool for de-mystifying and de-naturalizing perceptions of race, gender/sex, and nationalism. In particular, her research tends to focus on discursive constructions of belonging, cultural roles, public memory, and representation of East Asian communities.

Juliet received a B.S. in Psychology (2016), a B.A. in Communication Studies (2016), and a M.A. in Communication Studies (2022) all from Colorado State University. She is building from previous research done in her M.A. program that focused on the various metaphors for Korean national identity and attitudes toward unification found at the Demilitarized Zone between North and South Korea.

Courses Taught

  • COMM 101 – Introduction to Communication (Recitation Leader)
  • COMM 203 – Public Speaking (Recitation Leader & Instructor of Record