Larry  Lemmons
  • Assistant Professor of the Practice


Larry Lemmons received a PhD in Media and Communication from Texas Tech University in 2021. He received a MFA at the University of Washington in Drama and a BA from the University of Texas at Austin. Larry also worked for more than two decades as a broadcast journalist in the Phoenix and Amarillo markets, as a producer of news and documentaries, a reporter, and an anchor. He produced the franchise piece, “Panhandle Spirit,” at his previous position at KVII-TV, and also covered the Oprah Winfrey beef lawsuit in 1998, the state legislatures in Arizona and Texas, national presidential campaigns, and a shuttle launch. Larry is a military brat, growing up in Germany and across the U.S. and is an Air Force veteran himself, serving as a broadcaster in the Philippines for AFRTS. Yet most folks seem to be primarily interested in the years he spent in England brewing beer at the Cirencester Brewing Company.

Research Interests

  • Communication & Media Science
  • Humanities & Critical/Cultural Studies
  • Journalism & Media Practices