Michelle Yelton Hobbs ’00
  • Program Manager for Internal Communications


Michelle stumbled her way into an amazing career. Her meandering career path led her through stints at marketing and ad agencies where she learned her communications background was more than handy when managing difficult clients and finding solutions to their business challenges.

Currently, she is a program manager for Internal Communications at the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center. She consults with the Vice President of Human Resources to develop communication strategies and materials that inform, educate and enable MD Anderson’s faculty and employees. In addition, she supports Internal Communication programs by contributing to the bimonthly and award-winning employee magazine and assisting with institution-wide events.

Prior to joining MD Anderson, Michelle was the marketing communications director at FSV Payment Systems. At FSV, she worked with more than 40 large employers, including McDonald’s, Tyson Foods and Costco, to design and implement communication and change management plans for introducing payroll cards to their employees.

The knowledge and skills she gained through her communication studies has served her well in every role. New business partnerships were formed, organizations saved millions of dollars and employees have more time to focus on ending cancer.

Michelle had no way of knowing how far her communications degree could take her when she left Texas A&M. As a member of the Alumni Advisory Board, she hopes to enlighten current students and recent graduates on the possibilities they have ahead of them.

Michelle has expertise in the areas of marketing and healthcare.