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College of Arts & Sciences


ERP: Economics Research Program

The Economics Research Program (ERP) provides undergraduate students the opportunity to engage in a two-semester independent research project under the guidance of Dr. Chelsea Strickland and a faculty mentor. By participating in the program, students will gain skills necessary for academic and non-academic research: idea generation, literature reviews, data acquisition and cleaning, data analysis, and written and oral presentations. At the end of the second semester, students will produce a completed research paper. Students will also be expected to present at TAMU’s Student Research Week (SRW). Students considering a PhD in Economics will find this program especially beneficial.

ERP participants will earn a total of 6 hours of upper-level ECON course credit (ECON 491) over the fall and spring semesters.

Minimum Qualifications:

  • Completed ECMT 463 with a "C" or higher OR completed ECMT 461 with a "C" or higher and currently enrolled in ECMT 463
  • Overall GPA over 3.0
  • Excellent written and oral communication skills

Applications are open for the 2025-2026 academic year. To apply, please email a complete packet of application materials to Dr. Chelsea Strickland ( with the following subject line: “ERP Application – Your Name“. Each document must be saved as the following: “LastName_FirstName_DocumentType“. Your application must include:

  • Resume
  • Unofficial transcript
  • A copy of your final paper from ECMT 463 OR a copy of your final paper from ECMT 461 if you are currently taking 463
  • 1 page statement answering the following questions:
    • Why do you want to participate in this research program?
    • What topic(s) are you interested in researching?
    • If someone recommended you apply for the program, please make that known in your statement.

Applications must be submitted by Friday, March 7 at 5pm to be considered. Acceptance will be announced in April.

Once accepted - the ECON Academic Advisors will enroll you in the correct ECON class.


Undergraduate Research Assistant

In this program, undergraduate economics majors are paired up with students in the Masters of Financial Economics/Financial Econometrics program in the Department of Economics.  The pairs will collaborate on a Capstone Project required of MS students in the Fall semester.  The project includes data acquisition, data analysis, and both written and oral presentations.   Students will be guided through the research process by both undergraduate and graduate faculty members as they work toward completion of the project.  This is an excellent opportunity to learn research from the ground up!

Research Assistants will also earn 3 hours of upper-level ECON course credit (ECON 491).

Minimum Qualifications:

  • Junior or Senior Classification in Fall 2025
  • Overall GPA of 3.0 or higher
  • Completed ECON 323 with a "B" or higher
  • Completed ECMT 461 with a "C" or higher"
  • Excellent written and oral communication skills
  • Available for at least two blocks of times for meeting with your team (between 8-5, Monday-Friday)
  • Enrolled in ECON 491 for Fall 2025
    • If accepted to the program, an ECON advisor will enroll you in ECON 491.
    • The dates and times for this course will remain listed as "TBA," as you will set your specific meeting times with your team.
    • As this is a 3-hours course, you will be billed accordingly for tuition.


  • Practical experience with research
  • Collaboration with others in the field
  • Mentorship and networking with peers and faculty
  • 3 hours of upper-level ECON elective credit (ECON 491)

If you are interested in this opportunity, or you have any questions please contact Academic Advisor Omari Burton

To apply:

    • Email all application materials and UIN to Kurt Felpel (
    • Unofficial transcript
    • 1-page essay answering the following questions:
      • Why do you want to be a research assistant?
      • What part of Financial Economics/Econometrics interests you most?
    • One letter of recommendation (optional)

    All application materials are due to Mr. Kurt Felpel by Monday 7 April 2025 at 5pm You will be notified if you are accepted / not accepted into the program prior to the end of the Spring 2025 semester.