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College of Arts & Sciences

Forms and Workflow for the Digital Digital Humanities Certificate

Step 1

Complete the Digital Humanities Certificate Application for formal inclusion in the Digital Humanities Graduate Certificate at Texas A&M University.

Step 2

Meet with the Certificate Coordinator to discuss your plan of study. Before this meeting, review the Certificate Requirements, course list, FAQ, and Plan of Study form.

Step 3

Complete and submit the Plan of Study form. Pay attention to your email inbox in case the Certificate Coordinator has questions about your plan of study or recommends adjustments.

Step 4

After the Plan of Study is approved, enroll in and successfully pass the required courses.

Step 5

Initiate your digital project. As per the Certificate Requirements, all Certificate recipients must work on a digital project. This may involve contributing to an existing digital project led by a faculty member; supplementing a Master’s thesis or doctoral dissertation with a digital element; enriching a digital project originally created for another graduate course (as long as this course is not DHUM 604); or constructing a new project specifically created for the purpose of completing your Certificate requirements. Often, students will enroll in a DHUM 685—the independent study course taken in the semester when you are working most heavily on this project—but this is not always necessary. In order to begin this phase of the Certificate, you must meet with the Certificate Coordinator to discuss your plans and whether or not you must take DHUM 685. (This meeting will also serve as a general review of your progress to completing the Certificate.) You also need to identify and contact a faculty member who will serve as the advisor for your project and, if applicable, oversee your DHUM 685. Once your plans are in place, submit the Digital Project Proposal form and (if applicable) the DHUM 685 Request Form.

Step 6

Complete your digital project.

Step 7

Once all course requirements and non-course requirements have been completed (that is, the proposal and production of a digital project) and you would like to have the Certificate Coordinator verify completion of all requirements, submit the Final Report of Study Form.