Directed Studies
Directed studies courses are an opportunity for students to customize their learning experience and conduct research outside of the classroom under the direction of a faculty supervisor. Students should meet with their faculty supervisor to discuss a reading list and course assignments. Fill out the form for the appropriate course number and turn in the completed, signed form to the English Undergraduate Program Office in LAAH 352. Once your application has been approved, we will email you with registration instructions.
Directed studies courses:
- ENGL 285: Directed Studies
- ENGL 291: Research
- ENGL 485: Directed Studies
- ENGL 491: Research
- ENGL 497: Independent Honors Studies
English majors and minors who are interested in completing an internship for academic credit should fill out the ENGL 484: Internship Application and make an appointment with Dr. Apostolos Vasilakis, Director of Undergraduate Studies in English, for approval. Students must complete an Internship Final Report and their internship supervisor must submit a Student Intern Evaluation Form no later than two days before the final grade is due. Both forms must be submitted to the Director of Undergraduate Studies in English prior to the deadline, or the student will be issued an Unsatisfactory grade.
Co-Ops are educational work assignments for students in a career-related field. Students will be supervised by the employer, Co-Op coordinator, and course instructor. If you are interested in a Co-Op, log in to the Texas A&M Career Center's website to learn more or schedule an appointment with Brad Collet, the career counselor for the College of Liberal Arts. Contact Collet at
Once your Co-Op has been chosen and reviewed by the Career Center, please bring the completed, signed ARSC 392: Cooperative Education Application to the English Undergraduate Program Office in LAAH 352. Students must complete the ARSC 392: Co-Op Intership Final Report and their Co-Op supervisor must submit an Evaluation Form to Dr. Apostolos Vasilakis, the Director of Undergraduate Studies in English, at at least two days before the final grade is due. This evaluation must be submitted prior to the deadline, or the student will be issued an Unsatisfactory grade.
Course Substitution Application: If you have taken an English course at another institution and would like it considered for transfer course equivalency, please fill out this form and attach a full syllabus for the course. Drop off your completed form and syllabus at the English Undergraduate Program Office in LAAH 352 for consideration.
Employment Verification Form: Students who work on or off campus for at least 12 hours per week are eligible to apply for early registration in order to plan around their work schedules. Additional information and the Student Employment Verification Form are available through the university's Office of the Registrar.