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College of Arts & Sciences

Our Masters is designed to provide a knowledge base in a range of literatures and theories with a Master of Arts in English.

You will take a broad range of courses with small class sizes and complete independent work with an advisory committee. You will pursue specialized study and synthesize the knowledge and critical skills developed through coursework.

Through this program, you will learn to:

  • Articulate a research plan and carry it out
  • Develop original arguments that contribute to ongoing debates within the field
  • Master research techniques and the ability to evaluate resources, including digital resources
  • Communicate your ideas to varied audiences, both orally and in writing

You will choose between the thesis and non-thesis option.

After earning your master's degree in English, you'll be qualified to:

  • Pursue doctoral studies
  • Apply for positions teaching composition at the community college level
  • Succeed in editorial and other writing-centered employment

*Note that at this time, funding is not available for our MA program. Most of our MA students have some other form of funding. Other opportunities for assistantships outside the department do arise periodically, but these usually become available in the late Spring or Summer.  

We encourage highly qualified candidates without an MA to apply directly to our PhD.

Master of Arts in English Program Requirements