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College of Arts & Sciences

The Texas A&M Department of English invites you to join us throughout the spring for a series of talks and workshops surrounding the topic of how we can better teach writing now by addressing diversity, inclusion, and social justice in the writing classroom. Events are aimed at bringing together scholars doing research in social justice pedagogies, cultural rhetorics, and composition/professional writing in our rapidly changing media landscape.

The events are scheduled each week on different days and at different times to maximize accessibility.  All events are free and open to the public; sign-up and log-in details for each event will be made available in advance.  For further information, contact David McWhirter.

This virtual symposium is sponsored by The Melbern G. Glasscock Center for Humanities Research, The Department of English, and the University Writing Center at Texas A&M University.

Schedule of Events

Thank you for joining us! Video recordings and transcripts of all events will be available to Texas A&M employees through September 2022. Use accordion menu below to access materials for each event. You will be asked to sign into your Texas A&M Google account through CAS. You may view, but not download, materials.