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College of Arts & Sciences
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We typically offer teaching assistantships (graduate assistant teaching) to our top M.S. applicants. Some of these assistantships include tuition payments, and some only confer in-state tuition status because of Texas A&M University rules. In addition, many M.S. applicants receive offers of a research assistantship from faculty members with active research grants.

Our teaching offers are normally extended for two years for M.S. students and four years for doctoral students. For doctoral students, annual renewal of teaching offers is contingent upon satisfactory progress toward the degree. We have funded doctoral students beyond four years when we have demand for their teaching and when they show progress toward completing their dissertations. To support their research, doctoral students submit grant proposals to fund data collection and analysis, or they are supported by research assistantships. Doctoral students have obtained research funds through the National Science Foundation's Dissertation Improvement Grant. Several of our doctoral students have received universitywide funds for enhancing a diverse graduate student population.


There are some available funding options through the College of Arts and Sciences. For more information, contact the graduate director or academic advisor.


Departments offer numerous teaching opportunities. Teaching is typically in undergraduate laboratory courses (e.g., GEOG 203), ranging from 10-30 students per lab section. The availability of these assistantships depends on the semester courses being offered and student enrollment in those classes. For more information, contact the graduate director or academic advisor.


Many professors provide students with research assistantships working on a variety of projects within departments. This assistantship may or may not be directly related to your graduate work, but it is another option for those not wishing to teach. If there is a faculty member with whom you are particularly interested in working, contact him or her. 


This type of funding depends on the money available and provided by various federal agencies. For more information regarding possible grants or fellowship opportunities, contact the graduate director or academic advisor.


The Graduate and Professional School is another funding resource. Many scholarships or fellowships have a range of qualifications and may or may not be affiliated through your department.


Assistantships are also available within multiple university branches, such as the Study Abroad Office or The Association of Former Students. These are not typically available through your department, but require you to contact the particular branch of interest. Another resource for such opportunities is Jobs For Aggies, which continually posts work opportunities throughout the campus.