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College of Arts & Sciences
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M.S. students have to take 24 credit hours of course work and, when combined with 8 hours of GEOG 691 (Research), this equals the 32 hours required for the M.S. degree.

Ph.D. students have 36 credit hours of course work and, when combined with 28 hours of GEOG 691 (Research), this equals the total 64 hours required for the Ph.D. degree.

Below is a list of graduate courses available to fulfill these degree requirements. All students are required to take GEOG 610 and GEOG 611 during the first and second semesters, respectively.

Graduate Courses

  • 603: Processes in Economic Geography
  • 604: Processes in Physical Geography
  • 605: Processes in Cultural Geography
  • 610: Geographical Methods & Theory
  • 611: Geographical Research Design
  • 612: Applied Climatology
  • 616: Urban Geography
  • 619: Human Impact on the Environment
  • 621: Land-Use & Land-Cover Change
  • 622: Environment & Society on the US-Mexico Border
  • 623: Ecohydrology
  • 624: Biogeography: Theory & Methods
  • 625: Landscape Ecology
  • 626: Fluvial Morphology
  • 627: Arid Land
  • 634: Hydrology and Environment
  • 635: Advanced Biogeography
  • 640: Historical Geography
  • 641: Historical Geography of the World System
  • 642: Past Climates
  • 643: Geopolitics & Geostrategies of Energy
  • 644: Geography Education: Theory & Practice
  • 645: Research in Geographic Education
  • 646: Periglacial Geomorphology
  • 648: Political Geography of the World-System
  • 651: Remote Sensing for Geographical Analysis
  • 652: Quantitative Methods in Geography
  • 659: Geodatabases
  • 660: Applications in GIS
  • 661: Digital Image Processing & Analysis
  • 662: GIS in Land & Property Management
  • 665: GIS-Based Spatial Analysis & Modeling
  • 666: Coastal Geomorphology
  • 668: Arctic Climates
  • 676: GIS Programming
  • 678: WebGIS
  • 681: Seminar
  • 685: Directed Studies
  • 686: Quaternary Geomorphology
  • 687: Geoarchaeology
  • 689: Special Topics in…
  • 691: Research
  • 695: Frontiers in Geographic Information Science
  • 696: Geomorphology and Remote Sensing