The Department of Geography offers exciting opportunities to explore Earth and its landscapes in the field, classroom and laboratory. Students engage with faculty to understand the physical, biological, chemical, cultural, economic, political and social processes that impact and change the character of the earth-ocean-atmosphere system.
Graduates of the geography programs become leaders in government agencies, industries and businesses oriented toward natural resources, spatial analysis and social services. Geographers are also actively involved in private consulting and research, development companies and all levels of education.
M.S. in Geography
A bachelor’s degree is a prerequisite. Many applicants have a degree in geography, but many degree specializations are appropriate depending upon a student's interests. The M.S. program (32 credit hours with thesis; 36 hours with non-thesis option) is four semesters of full-time study. Master's students will obtain fundamental geographical knowledge and skills to enter into top-rated Ph.D. programs or careers in research, education, public service, private industry or other opportunities open to geographers.
Ph.D. in Geography
A Master of Science is a required to apply as a Ph.D. student. Doctoral students (64 hours) are expected to pass preliminary exams in their fourth semester and obtain the doctorate within 2-4 additional years, depending on their research design. Total time to degree for doctoral students is between 8 and 10 semesters of full-time study. Doctoral graduates are competitive for entry-level, tenure-track appointments in doctoral-granting universities or for careers in research, public service, private industry and other opportunities open to geographers.
Online - Master of Geoscience in Geographic Information Science and Technology
The College of Geosciences now offers a Master of Geoscience degree 100% online. Designed to teach value-added skills to petroleum professionals, this non-thesis, 36-credit-hour program encompasses all aspects of the geosciences. Offered in a totally online carrousel model, students may complete the degree in as little as 18 months. Courses begin six times a year, and students may be admitted to the program three times per year: fall, spring or summer.
Master of Geoscience
The Master of Geoscience is designed for students who want a broad background in the geosciences at the graduate level. It is a non-thesis program intended to provide a science content degree for science teachers in the public schools and community colleges. It can also provide an environmental geoscience background for those in positions having a concern for environmental restorations. The degree is multi-departmental, encompassing all aspects of the geosciences. The Master of Geoscience degree is an undifferentiated collegewide degree which allows each department to offer the Master of Geoscience.
Anthony Filippi
- Associate Professor
- Director of Graduate Programs
- Office: Eller O&M 707B
- Phone: (979) 845-5744
- Email: filippi@tamu.edu