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College of Arts & Sciences

Solve environmental and engineering problems with the Bachelor of Science in Geophysics.

Geophysicists work on traditional and emerging methods used for hydrogeological, structural and stratigraphic characterization of the uppermost 100 meters of the Earth with applications to shallow resource and groundwater assessment.

Environmental geophysicists typically work as independent environmental consultants or with industrial corporations or government agencies.


The first two years of this program are similar to the B.S. in Geology. You'll study the fundamentals of geology, chemistry, physics and mathematics. In upper-level courses, you will apply math and physics to techniques and problems in theoretical and applied geophysics. You can focus on specific career objectives through your choice in technical electives.

Seniors participate in a group research capstone course (GEOL 450). As part of this capstone, they work in teams with a faculty advisor to solve a current problem and communicate their findings. Students are also encouraged to become involved in research projects with faculty members and can receive course credit for this activity through GEOP 291 and GEOP 491. Some courses in geophysics require field trips.

To remain in satisfactory academic standing, you must maintain a 2.0 or better GPA in all technical courses (geology, geophysics, chemistry, math and physics).

Bachelor of Science in Geophysics Curriculum


This degree will prepare you for employment opportunities in fields including:

  • Industrial
  • Environmental
  • Government
  • Education
  • Non-profit

The rigor of this degree is also designed to prepare you for advanced study.

Careers in the Petroleum Industry

Geophysicists who work in the petroleum industry use reflection seismology as the primary subsurface exploration tool. If you are interested in this field, you should supplement your background in seismic theory. You can do this by taking electives that focus on subsurface structures and processes and industry techniques.