Dr. Jessica Fitzsimmons (Program Co-Director) is a chemical oceanographer whose research focuses on the cycling of trace metals in the ocean. She studies both the processes that control the cycling of metals that are required as nutrients for photosynthesizing plankton (such as iron) as well as the delivery of pollutant trace metals to the oceans (such as lead). Her work utilizes mass spectrometry to determine trace metal concentrations, the size and complexation of these metals, and their isotope signatures, and her research projects range from Antarctic oceanography to deep-sea mining in the subtropics. Potential REU projects include: 1) Measuring the binding capacity of toxic and tracer metals by organic compounds before and after deep-sea mining; 2) Exploring the role of nanoparticulate metals in the dissolved metal inventories of the South Pacific and Southern Oceans.
Dr. Darren Henrichs (Program Director) is a biological oceanographer with research interests in applying machine learning to biology, simulation modeling of phytoplankton, and time series analysis of phytoplankton community dynamics. Potential REU projects include: 1) Use of reinforcement learning for training a phytoplankton behavioral model; 2) Application of recurrent neural networks for developing a predictive model of the phytoplankton community using historical time series; 3) Development and application of an image classifier using a convolutional neural network for use on a mini-computer (e.g. Raspberry Pi); 4) Combining small electronic sensors to measure the environment in a mesocosm; 5) Identifying potential origins of bloom forming species using an individual-based model.
Dr. Spencer Jones is a physical oceanographer who studies the pathways of water through the ocean. He combines ocean models with methods from Calculus 1&2 to understand how the ocean works. Potential projects include: 1) analyzing the trajectories of surface floats and their statistics, 2) analyzing the output of climate models to identify where large scale ocean circulation drives surface heat fluxes, and 3) using generative machine learning to create artificial observations from ocean and climate models.
Dr. Andrew Klein is a geographer whose research focuses on the application of remote sensing and Geographic Information Science (GISci) to study the cryosphere. Dr. Klein is actively involved in using these technologies to study the localized human impacts in the marine and terrestrial environments surrounding U.S. scientific stations in the Antarctic. Dr. Klein and his students also use remote sensing to study glacier recession in the tropics. He has been actively involved in developing algorithms to measure snow extent and snow albedo from satellites, especially that collected by the NASA’s MODIS instrument. Dr. Klein’s potential REU topics will revolve around using mapping and geospatial analysis to investigate human impact in the local terrestrial and marine environments surrounding McMurdo and Palmer Stations, Antarctica as determined from over a decade of geochemical and biological measurements.
Dr. Yina Liu is a chemical oceanographer interested in understanding processes affecting the production and fate of organic compounds, from natural dissolved organic matter (DOM) to anthropogenic compounds, as well as different cell metabolites. She employs state-of-the-art mass spectrometry to study the production and transformation of organic molecules through biotic and abiotic mechanisms through laboratory experiments and field observations. Potential REU projects include: (1) Assessing the performance of solid-phase extraction (SPE) methods for organic compounds with diverse chemical properties; (2) Understanding the occurrence of emerging contaminants in different water bodies; and (3) Using data science to understand possible chemical characteristics of halogenated volatile organic compound precursors.
Dr. Franco Marcantonio is geochemist whose research focuses on analysis of radiogenic isotopes and trace elements in ocean sediments to understand more about how Earth’s environment and climate has changed throughout the past. He also studies the modern-day environment, including the fate and transport of contaminants in both urban and remote regions of the planet. Potential REU projects will revolve around measurement of lead isotope measurements in recently-collected atmospheric aerosol and sediment samples across a wide region of the South Pacific Ocean. The dispersal of the atmospheric lead isotopic signal by ocean circulation will be determined by pairing our measurements with those in seawater samples from the same region.
Dr. Peter Morton is a chemical oceanographer whose research focuses on the global-scale transport of bioactive trace elements (both nutrient and toxicant). Potential REU projects include: 1) atmospheric inputs of natural and anthropogenic sources of iron and lead to the Indian Ocean, 2) influence of major nutrients in the open ocean on the bioaccumulation of arsenic in seaweed (Atlantic Ocean), 3) sources of heavy metals in natural colors and spices (i.e., turmeric)
Dr. Marie Strader is an integrative biologist whose research focuses on how ecological and evolutionary processes play out in response to human induced changes in the environment. Our research aims to establish links between genotype and phenotype that will aid in predicting ecological and evolutionary trajectories of marine invertebrate taxa. We approach our research in an integrative and collaborative fashion, combining physiological and behavioral experiments, and molecular biology with large-scale genomics data. We aim to uncover mechanistic understanding of how marine invertebrates persist in rapidly changing habitats. Potential REU topics include: 1) characterizing thermal limits of multiple life-history stages of upside-down jellyfish to better understand organismal traits underlying their possible range expansion; 2) developing algal cultures to perform infection experiments in upside-down jellyfish to test the role of symbiosis on the oxidative stress response and antioxidant production; 3) quantifying how the immune response varies when exposed to different temperature and microbial environments during early embryogenesis; 4) developing clonal lines of jellyfish to test the role of epigenetics on differential responses to the environment.
Dr. Jason Sylvan is a biological oceanographer. His lab studies the geomicrobiology and biogeochemistry of the deep ocean including hydrothermal ecosystems, deep-sea corals, and the subseafloor deep biosphere in sediments and volcanic basement. Dr. Sylvan's research addresses fundamental questions about the biology, chemistry and geology of the Earth through the study of interactions between the ocean crust and the marine biosphere. Potential REU projects include: 1) quantifying microbial diversity in subseafloor sediments and volcanic rocks from the South Atlantic Ocean, 2) analysis of microbial genomes from deep-sea corals, 3) analysis of microbial genomes from deep-sea hydrothermal vents, or 4) analysis of experiments to determine the diversity of primary producers on hydrothermal vents.
Dr. Jinbo Wang specializes in physical oceanography, geophysical fluid dynamics, and satellite oceanography. His research focuses on the role of the upper ocean in the Earth’s climate system, particularly on small-scale processes. The world’s oceans, covering more than 70% of the Earth’s surface and possessing immense heat capacity, play a critical role in supporting and influencing life on our planet. This influence manifests in various ways, such as sea level changes affecting coastal access, climate variability driven by heat and carbon exchange with the atmosphere, and marine ecosystems providing food supplies and sustaining biodiversity. Dr. Wang’s lab employs a combination of conventional and satellite observations, theoretical tools, and numerical models to study the processes and impacts of small-scale physics in the upper ocean. Potential REU Projects this year include (1) Analysis of observations from conventional ship-based observations as well as from the new Surface Water and Ocean Topography (SWOT) satellite mission to study small-scale ocean processes; (2) Machine Learning Applications: Use SWOT satellite data to develop foundation models with self-supervised learning for tasks such as separating ocean dynamical systems, or image segmentation and object identification.
Dr. Shari Yvon-Lewis is a chemical oceanographer. Her lab studies the role of the ocean in regulating atmospherically important trace gases. A variety of trace gases including halocarbons (e.g. methyl halides, trihalomethanes), nitrous oxide, carbon dioxide, and methane are both produced and degraded in the ocean. The distribution and strength of the various oceanic sources and sinks impacts the exchange of these gases between the ocean and atmosphere. Through ship-board measurements, laboratory studies and modeling, my research group examines the role/magnitude of oceanic influence on trace gases that are important in the atmosphere as stratospheric ozone depletors or greenhouse gases. Some prior REU projects included 1) assessing the nitrous oxide emissions from waters on the Texas/Louisiana shelf, and 2) methane emissions from Galveston Bay. Opportunities exist for similar or related projects during this summer.