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College of Arts & Sciences

Students currently enrolled in the doctoral program are eligible for professional development support. This includes travel funds for conference travel, as well as professional development funding to support travel to and/or enrollment in courses or programs not offered locally. The Associate Head of Graduate Studies issues a call for travel requests at the start of the academic year. Students submit the request as soon as they know they are scheduled to present, and work with the business office on arranging travel requests and reimbursements. The Associate Head of Graduate Studies issues the call for professional development funding in the spring semester. This support is competitively awarded based on students' research productivity and the degree to which the opportunity will develop the student's research program.

Students are encouraged to speak to area or department administration about career development and professional opportunities.

TAMU Resources

  • Student Counseling Services: provides counseling support to students with crisis or routine situations.
  • Disability Services : offers coordination for services required for academic success.
  • Student Health Services : health care for students, including graduate students.
  • University Writing Center : provides numerous resources for writing development at all levels.
  • Career Center : provides professional development support for employment skills, including interviewing, developing a resume/CV, developing social media profiles.
  • Money Education Center : need information about financial aid or managing finances, this is it.
  • Professional Development : The Office of Graduate and Professional Studies (OGAPS) offers numerous mentoring and development opportunities.
  • Professional Development Grant Writing and Funding: Dr. Steve Maren, Professor Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences and Institute for Neuroscience, offers helpful information about grant writing and finding funding opportunities.
  • Travel Grants : The Office of Graduate and Professional Studies (OGAPS) offers travel grants for graduate students
  • International Student Services : offers support services to all international students
  • Graduate Catalog: Catalog that provides information about the graduate and professional studies programs of Texas A&M University to students, prospective students, and faculty and staff of the university.
  • Graduate Funding - Funding opportunities outside of the department
  • Tuition and Required Fees - Current tuition and fees rate sheets
  • Graduation -  Graduation resources and requirements
  • Thesis and Dissertation Services - provides support for your Thesis/Dissertation on  formatting and style to meet the Texas A&M University's regulations

Outside Resources