The Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences currently holds two departmental shared parking spaces in Lot 22 which are available to check out for guests. These parking passes are paid for through the annual departmental budget and, therefore, should only be requested for department-sponsored guests. See the map below for the location of Lot 22 in relation to the Psychology Building (PSYC). You may also want to visit for driving directions to and from the lot, or for assistance navigating between buildings on campus.

In addition to these departmental parking passes, we can work with transportation to provide guests with payment cards for on-campus garages. These cards are useful for faculty with personal guests, research participants, etc. and will be charged to a faculty account. These cards are valid for one use only and will cover one day (max $40) in any of the parking garages. Central Campus Garage or University Center Garage are most conveniently located to the Psychology Building (PSYC); see the map below for these locations. Live garage counts, to check for available parking options, can be found on the transportation website.

To request use of the departmental parking spaces in Lot 22 or campus guest payment cards for the garages, please fill out the form below. It is most helpful to receive these requests at least one week before the anticipated start date in order to prioritize need. If you have any questions, please reach out to Sarah Coppedge at or 979-845-0475.