• Associate Professor
Heili Pals


Kaplan Longitudinal and Multigenerational Study (KLAMS)

Courses Taught at Texas A&M

  • SOCI 205: Introduction to Sociology
  • SOCI 211: Sociology of Deviance
  • SOCI 311: Social Change
  • SOCI 312: Population and Society
  • SOCI 621: Social Psychology
  • SOCI 628: Deviant Behavior
  • SOCI 677: Advanced Data Analysis
  • SOCI 691: Research

Educational Background

  • Ph.D. Stanford University

Research Interests

    • Social Psychology
    • Deviance
    • Transition to Adulthood
    • Life Course
    • Inequality
    • Health
    • Gay and Lesbian Studies
    • Transitional Societies
    • Quantitative Research

Selected Publications

    • Pals, Heili and Warren Waren. 2014. “Winners and Losers in Health Insurance: Access and Type of Coverage for Women in Same-Sex and Opposite-Sex Partnerships.” Women and Health, online first.
    • Guittar, Nicholas  and Heili Pals. 2014. “Intersecting Gender with Race and Religiosity: Do Unique Social Categories Explain Attitudes Toward Homosexuality?” Current Sociology 62(1): 41-62.
    • Pals, Heili and Howard B. Kaplan. 2013. “The Roles of Internal Locus of Control and Neighborhood Affluence in Predicting the Continuity of Negative Self-Feelings from Adolescence to Young Adulthood.” Journal of Adolescence36(5): 807-814.
    • Pals, Heili and Howard B. Kaplan. 2013. “Long-Term Effects of Adolescent Negative Self-Feelings on Adult Deviance: Moderated by Neighborhood Disadvantage, Mediated by Expectations.” American Journal of Criminal Justice 38(3): 348-368.
    • Pals, Heili and Howard B. Kaplan. 2013. “Cumulative and Relative Disadvantage as Long-Term Determinants of Negative Self-Feelings.” Sociological Inquiry83(1): 130-153.

    Additionally, published articles and reviews in Social Psychology Quarterly, Population Review, International Journal of Sociology and elsewhere.