Jane Sell
  • Professor Emerita


Courses Taught at Texas A&M

  • SOCI 205: Introductory Sociology
  • SOCI 207: Gender and Society
  • SOCI 411: Social Psychology
  • SOCI 411H: Honors Social Psychology
  • SOCI 627: Social Psychology

Research Interests

  • Social Psychology
  • Small Groups

Educational Background

  • Ph.D. Washington State University

Selected Publications

    • 2009. Jane Sell and Kathy J. Kuipers “A Structural Social Psychological Perspective on Gender Differences in Cooperation.” SexRoles 317-324.
    • 2009. Jane Sell and Tony P. Love “Common Fate, Crisis and Cooperation in Social Dilemmas.” Pp. 53-80 Advances in Group Processes: Altruism and Prosocial Behavior in Groups 26, Shane Thye and Edward J. Lawler (eds.) Emerald Publishing.
    • 2008. Jane Sell “Introduction to Deception Debate.” Social Psychology Quarterly 71: 213-214