The Department of Sociology welcomes its new Department Head – Dr. Jennifer Glanville. Dr. Glanville comes to us from University of Iowa, where she served as the Chair of the Sociology Department. Dr. Glanville has both her Master’s and PhD degrees from University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
Dr. Glanville’s research focuses on generalized trust and consequences of social capital. Her articles try to understand how trust affects the relationship between social capital and health, how does voluntary association promote trust, is generalized trust something stable or can the levels of generalized trust be influenced by our experiences, whether and how social connections create trust, and more. Her recent work on social capital focuses on the relationship between social capital and health in poor and affluent nations, whether and how social capital explains the immigrant-native health gap, and how does social capital contribute to generosity. Dr. Glanville also publishes on trust and corruption in non-democratic countries, such as Russia. In a current project, Dr. Glanville is attempting to improve the measurement of generalized trust.
We are truly excited for the arrival of Dr. Glanville and are looking forward for our journey ahead together. Welcome, Dr. Jennifer Glanville!