Edward Benton Hodges ’06
  • Sales Manager


Edward Benton Hodges, Class of 2006, is a Sales Manager at Sewell Cadillac of Grapevine.  Over his 13 year career at Sewell Benton has represented several different vehicles brands in different sales leadership and management positions.  He started with Sewell through their internship program in 2006 and has been with the Company full time since 2007.  Benton has a passion for sales and for taking a genuine interest in each customer.

While at Texas A&M Benton Majored in Speech Communications and Minored in Business.  He was active in the leadership of the Texas A&M Sports Car Club serving as Club President, Treasurer, and Public Relations Officer.  Benton has always had a passion for cars and is still involved in several enthusiast communities.

Benton is married to his high school sweetheart Tiffany whom is a Texas A&M graduate class of 2008.  The two of them have 3 children who will be Aggie classes of 2033, 2035, and 2041.  Fueled by their love of the outdoors Benton and his family enjoy spending their free time at their Ranch near Beeville, TX and on trips to the beach.

Benton has expertise in the areas of sales, management, and customer service.