Stacy Aschenbeck
  • Lecturer

Research Interests

  • Humanities & Critical/Cultural Studies



Benjamin Franklin said, “Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” My goal is not only to teach my students, but to involve them in the learning process so they will truly learn the concepts that are being presented in my courses.


I have been an instructor at Texas A&M since fall of 2000.  During this time I have had the opportunity to teach a wide variety of courses and truly work with the undergraduates that come through the communication department.  I am currently course advisor for COMM 205, advisor for Lambda Pi Eta, and serving on the undergraduate committee of our department.  My love is teaching and undergraduate education, so course development and instruction is where I devote my time.

Courses Taught

  • COMM 203: Public Speaking
  • COMM 205: Communication for Technical Professionals
  • COMM 210: Group Communication
  • COMM 315: Interpersonal Communication
  • COMM 411: Representations of Motherhood
  • PETE 335: Technical Presentations I
  • PETE 435: Technical Presentations II

Sample Syllabi: