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College of Arts & Sciences

Travel and Research support

Each academic year, the graduate office offers funding for all graduate students for the following.

  • Travel to conferences to present papers
  • Professional development funding to attend workshops, institutes, courses, etc. (usually, but not always, in the summer)
  • Research enhancement funding to travel to archives, libraries, and other research locations

We usually support students in one conference annually. Each student receives, on average, one or two research and/or professional development trips throughout their program.

Our graduate students compete very successfully for research funding and awards through the Glasscock Center for Humanities Research on campus and within the College of Arts and Sciences. Our students receive national recognition for their work through, among others, acceptance into seminars at the Folger Institute, the English Institute, the School for Criticism and Theory, Rare Book School, and Digital Humanities Summer Institute.  Students who gain admission to these seminars and workshops receive generous funding from the Department.

Fellowships and Awards

Incoming Fellowships
Competitive applicants can receive one of several incoming Fellowship and Awards, including:

  • Merit Fellowship
  • Aviles Johnson Fellowships 
  • Dean’s Doctoral Fellowship
  • Lechner
  • Glasscock Arrival Fellowship

These are available to entering students only. Qualified students are automatically nominated at the time of application.

Fellowships for Current Students
Graduate students in English have been very successful in winning major local and national Fellowships and Awards. Texas A&M Fellowships include:

  • Graduate and Professional School Fellowship
  • Glasscock Residential Fellowship
  • RESI Fellowship
  • Senator Phil Gramm Doctoral Fellowship
  • Distinguished Graduate Student Awards

Essay and Teaching Awards

The English Department also offered annual essay awards: 

The Staley Creswell Teaching Award: Annual department award (approximately $500) for outstanding teaching by a graduate student.

The Forrest Burt Memorial Award: Annual award (approximately $250) to a graduate student who is specializing in Victorian Literature, Modern British Literature, or Rhetoric and Composition.

The Hamlin Hill Essay Prize:  Annual award (approximately $250) for the best essay in historical literary study written in a graduate seminar in English during the previous calendar year.

Dr. William Barzak Memorial Scholarship:  Annual award (approximately $2000) for students specializing in sixteenth- or seventeenth-century literature or, absents candidates in the priority category, in bibliography or textual studies.

Glasscock American Literature Outstanding Essay Award: Annual award (approximately $500) for the best essay examining American literature by an English graduate student.