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College of Arts & Sciences

2015-2016  Pals, Heili, PI. “Neighborhood effects on negative self-feelings: The role of spatial dynamics.” The Division of Research PESCA Grant Program, Texas A&M University, $10,000.

2013-2015  Sell, Jane, PI. Humanities and Social Science Enhancement of Research Capacity (HASS ERC) Grant Award at Texas A&M University

2003-2008  Kaplan, Howard B. PI, “Drug Abuse and Other Deviant Adaptations: Two Generations,” National Institute on Drug Abuse, 2 RO1 DA02497-23A1.  $2,065,507 (Direct Costs).

1999-2004  Kaplan, Howard B. Senior Scientist Award, “Drug Abuse and Other Deviant Adaptations to Stress,” National Institute on Drug Abuse, 5 K05 DA00136, $90,000 per year plus fringe in direct costs.

1997-2002  Kaplan, Howard B. PI, “Drug Abuse and Other Deviant Adaptations: Two Generations,” National Institute on Drug Abuse, 5 R01 DA02497, $2,429,860 (Direct Costs).

1996-1998  Kaplan, Howard B. PI, “Drug Use and Other Deviance: A 2nd Generation Panel Study,” National Institute on Drug Abuse, 1 R01 DA10016, $1,384,133 (Direct Costs).

1992-1997  Kaplan, Howard B. PI, “Drug Abuse and Other Deviant Adaptations: Two Generations,” National Institute on Drug Abuse, 5 R01 DA02497, $4,044,079 (Direct Costs).

1986-1989  Kaplan, Howard B. PI, “Behavioral Correlates of HTLV-III and Immunological Deficiency,” National Institute on Drug Abuse, 1 R01 DA04310, $748,436 (Direct Costs).

1985-1999  Kaplan, Howard B. Research Scientist Award, “Drug Abuse and Other Deviant Adaptations to Stress,” National Institute on Drug Abuse, 1 K05 DA00105, 1 K05 DA00136, $75,000 plus fringe per year in direct costs.

1980-1984  Kaplan, Howard B. PI, “Testing Psychosocial Models of Psychiatric Disorders:  The Social Epidemiology of Psychopathogenic Risk Factors,” Hogg Foundation for Mental Health, $23,715.

1980-1991 Kaplan, Howard B. PI, “Drug Abuse and Other Deviant Adaptations to Stress,” National Institute on Drug Abuse, 1 R01 DA 02497, $1,696,610 (Direct Costs).