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College of Arts & Sciences

2024 Graduates

Benjamin Brewster, “Rapid Strategy, Decisive Tactics: Civil-Military Decision-Making in Operation Just Cause and Subsequent Influences on US-Panama Relations and American Warfighting Concepts.”
Supervisor, Jason Parker

Brian Donlon, “A Tide Raising all the Boats: The Soviet Threat, NATO, and Marine Corps Innovation, 1969-1991.”
Supervisor, Brian Linn

Allison Faber, “The Ties that Bind:  Illegitimacy, Maternity Homes, and Adoption in Twentieth-Century Texas.”
Supervisor, Carlos Blanton

Ian Seavey, “Colonial Calamities: The Politics of U.S. Disaster Relief and Economic Development in Puerto Rico, 1898-1979.”
Supervisor, Jason Parker

Meghan (Ashley) Vance, “On the Edge of Battle: Building a Cold War Army in Germany, 1945-1960.”
Supervisor, Adam Seipp

2023 Graduates

Jonathan Carroll, ““Courage under fire: Re-evaluating Black Hawk Down and the Battle of Mogadishu.”
Supervisor, Brian Linn

Collin Rohrbaugh, “’They Asked for Traders Amongst Them’: Buffalo Robes, the Santa Fe Trade, and Social Change on the South Plains 1817-1858.”
Supervisor, Angela Hudson

Laura Oviedo, “Forsaken Bodies, For Sake of Nation: The Labor and Militarization of Tejanas Y Puertorriquenas in the Hemispheric Borderlands During WWII.”
Supervisor, Felipe Hinojosa

Robin Roe, “On the Borders of Disaster: Natural Disaster and Media in the Manipulation of Race and Ethnicity.”
Supervisor, Carlos Blanton

Kendall Cosley, “Creating G.I. Joe: War Correspondents and Soldiers in World War II Subculture Formation.”
Supervisor, Brian Linn

Laurence Nelson, “The Caudillo and the Corps: The Causes of a Quagmire in Nicaragua, 1927-1933,”
Supervisor, Andrew Kirkendall

John Wendt, “A Quartermaster's Business: Military Proucurement and the Developing American Economy in the Mid-Nineteenth Century.”
Supervisor, Lorien Foote

Ross Philipps, “Cracking the Corps: The Marine Corps Withdrawal from Vietnam, 1969-1971.”
Supervisor, Brian Linn

2022 Graduates

Julia Lake, "The Southwest's Heart Is No Longer for the Pioneer Alone": Creating and Remembering Fred Harvey's Invention of an Authentic Native American Experience in the Southwest”
Supervisor, Angela Hudson

April Paluka, “Saving the Nazca Lines: An Ancient Site as a post-WWII Battleground.”
Supervisor, Sonia Hernandez

Manuel Grajales, “Our Fight is Here: The Puerto Rican Anti-War Movement, 1940-1973.”
Supervisor, Felipe Hinojosa

Michael Fasulo, “American Suppliers: The Role of Americans in the Perpetuation and Maintenance of the Postwar Black Market in Germany.”
Supervisor, Jason Parker

Rhys Dotson, “Texas Pride: The Formation of the Gay Civil Rights Movement in Dallas, Texas.”
Supervisor, Albert Broussard

2021 Graduates

Ryan Abt, Ph.D.,“Defining Naziism and the Holocaust in American Public Schools, 1933-1964”
Advisor: Adam Seipp

Chris Hemler, Ph.D., “Learning Fire Control and Coordination in the Pacific War”
Advisor: Brian Linn

Michael Rangel, Ph.D., “Border Intimacies:  Student Activism, Reproductive Justice, and Queer Rights in the Rio Grande Valley, 1968–2000”
Advisor: Carlos Blanton