Resources Available to help you understand and complete your Undergraduate Degree Planner
How to Access Your Degree Evaluation both Inside and Outside of the Degree Planner
VIDEO: How to Complete Your Degree Planner
Steps to Completing Your PSYC or NRSC-BCN Planner
Degree Planner Worksheets and Interactive Forms
- Printable/Write-in Form
- Interactive Drop-down Form (after going into google docs, must download as word)
- Printable/Write-in Form
- Interactive Drop-down Form (after going into google docs, must download as word)
- Printable/Write-in Form
- Interactive Drop-down Form (after going into google docs, must download as word)
Degree Planner Workshops
Degree Planner Workshops will be offered via Zoom throughout the Fall and Spring semesters. Those dates will be posted once announced. Please monitor your e-mail for the dates and times of these events. Be aware that failure to complete your degree planner will bar you from registration.
Your degree planner is NOT what clears you for graduation. Any questions about graduation clearing, please e-mail