May 31, 2023
Imge Dogan is selected as our new Kaplan Fellow. Imge receives the Howard Kaplan Memorial Assistantship for 2023-2024 academic year. In her dissertation proposal, Imge embarks on a thorough examination of adolescent delinquency, delving into the intricate interplay between traumatic life events within family environments, family protective factors, children’s appraisals, and their subsequent impact on deviant behavior. Utilizing data from Kaplan's Longitudinal and Multigenerational Survey (KLAMS), Imge investigates whether the quality of the parent-child relationship or the overall positive functioning of the family unit exerts a stronger influence on children's outcomes. Building upon this foundation, she integrates the family context into stress process models and psychosocial stress from self-theory, drawing upon Kaplan's seminal work (1996) to formulate her research questions and hypotheses. Furthermore, in a separate paper utilizing the KLAMS dataset, she explores the mediating role of self-control in the relationship between depressive symptoms and delinquency. This research was accepted for presentation at the prestigious 2023 American Sociological Association Annual Conference in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.