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College of Arts & Sciences

Doctoral Program

The Humanities and Critical/Cultural Studies division embraces interdisciplinary approaches to communication, merging insights and training from multiple perspectives grounded in humanistic and critical approaches. This division draws insights from the long traditions in the humanities, critical social sciences, media, and cultural studies. Our faculty and graduate students work within and across recognized disciplinary subfields (including rhetoric, media studies, and organization communication) to better understand the aesthetic and/or political dimensions of institutions, cultures, social structures, and lived experiences. We produce socially relevant research that requires creative imagination, academic rigor, historical awareness, and a collaborative and critical spirit. 

HC/CS students engage in research and coursework that encourage the development of insights through qualitative, textual, and field methodologies and cultivate understandings of historical and contemporary discourses, technologies, and practices. Whether you seek a career in academia, the industry, or governmental and non-governmental organizations, you will become a critical educator and researcher of communication through rigorous coursework, independent and collaborative research projects, and teaching opportunities.