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Hundreds of Texas A&M University economics majors await their chance to interact with 16 companies during ECON Career Night Spring 2024, held February 7 in the Annenberg Presidential Conference Center on the Texas A&M campus
Image: Matt Baughman, Arts & Sciences Marketing & Communications

The Texas A&M University Department of Economics hosted its Spring Career Fair at the Annenberg Presidential Conference Center on February 7, attracting more than 165 students. This biannual event provides students with invaluable opportunities to engage directly with potential employers. Attendees had the chance to interact with representatives from 16 prominent companies, including the Bureau of Labor Statistics, Northwestern Mutual and Toyota Financial, among others.  

In addition to corporate participants, the fair also featured representatives from the Texas A&M Career Center and three student organizations. These organizations utilized the event to recruit new members and establish connections with employers for potential collaboration in future meetings. 

“This event gives economics students the opportunity to interact one-on-one with a wide variety of companies to discuss potential internships and job openings,” said Dr. Steve Puller, professor and head of Texas A&M Economics. “From a student perspective, it allows them to interact in a smaller venue with companies who are specifically looking for ECON students and share conversations along with their resume with a potential employer. From the company point of view, they know that every student is an ECON major and what that type of student brings to the table.”  

The Department of Economics gives undergraduate students the option to pursue a Bachelor of Arts or a Bachelor of Science degree. Additionally, the department boasts a prestigious Ph.D. program and offers a Master of Science in Economics with specializations in Financial Economics or Financial Econometrics. Employers recognize the caliber of education provided by this distinguished department, ensuring they receive top-tier candidates.  

“When we solicit feedback from the company recruiters after the event, they rave about the quality, the attentiveness and the professional conduct of our students,” Puller added. Every single one said that they will be back for the next ECON Career Fair.”  

The department organizes various events aimed at preparing students for the workforce. A workshop titled "Unlocking the Hidden Power of LinkedIn" took place on February 16, and a "Salary Negotiation 101" workshop is scheduled for March 22. For further details on upcoming events, students can stay updated by following the Department of Economics on Instagram (@tamuecon), X (@TAMUECON) and Facebook (@Texas A&M Department of Economics).

See additional photographs from ECON Career Night Spring 2024.