Chemistry faculty from Texas A&M in College Station, Texas, and Doha, Qatar, celebrated 20 years of research collaborations between the two campuses with a daylong symposium at the flagship campus.
The event, “Celebrating Two Decades of Chemistry Collaborations,” brought together current and former College of Arts and Sciences and Department of Chemisty leaders, and chemistry faculty and staff from both campuses. Dean of Arts and Sciences Dr. Mark J. Zoran delivered a welcome speech stressing the success of the research and teaching collaborations between the chemistry faculty in College Station and Qatar.
Qatar faculty members Dr. Hassan S. Bazzi, Dr. Ashfaq Bengali, Dr. Sherzod Madrahimov, Dr. Mohammed Al-Hashimi and Dr. Edward Brothers attended the event and showcased research advancements made with their colleagues at the main campus. Professor Emeritus of Chemistry Dr. Marvin Rowe, who was a Texas A&M Chemistry faculty member from 1974 to 2006 and previously on the Qatar faculty, discussed how the campus in the Middle East influenced his own research.
We were able to build a very successful partnership between our faculty and TAMU faculty specially in chemistry. This partnership trained students and researchers, led to high-quality scholarly publications, produced excellent international events, and most importantly promoted the international image of Texas A&M.
Qatar STEM expert and chemistry graduate Benjamin Cieslinski '98 also attended and discussed the legacy of Texas A&M’s Chemistry Road Show, which inspired the Texas A&M at Qatar’s Science and Engineering Road Show that has reached thousands of schoolchildren in Qatar.
Bazzi, chemistry professor and the senior associate dean for advancement and industry engagement at Texas A&M at Qatar, who organized the symposium, said, “We were able to build a very successful partnership between our faculty and TAMU faculty specially in chemistry. This partnership trained students and researchers, led to high-quality scholarly publications, produced excellent international events, and most importantly promoted the international image of Texas A&M."
This story was originally published by Texas A&M at Qatar.