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In alignment with the college merger, the College of Arts and Sciences provided seed funds ($600,000) to promote collaboration among faculty (tenured and tenure-track faculty, APT faculty and ACES Fellows) and research personnel who have PI eligibility.

In total, the college funded forty (40) Type-I proposals and seven (7) Type-II proposals. With additional funds, the college also provided support for a joint symposium to be organized by three departments (Anthropology, Biology, and Geology and Geophysics).

Type I

A team consisting of at least two team members from different colleges of the three merging colleges conducts preliminary research leading toward more significant collaborative research. The preliminary research is expected to result in, for example, a research proposal for submission to an external funding source.

The recipients of the PIs and their departmental affiliations are listed below:

Type II

A team for a type-II proposal consists of at least two team members from different colleges among the three merging colleges. This type of support is to help the faculty and research personnel “get to know each other” for brainstorming collaborative research and team building.

The recipients of the PIs and their departmental affiliations are listed below: