The Arts and Sciences Office of Research Development (ORD) works collaboratively with faculty and researchers, strategically leveraging resources to increase funded research endeavors across all departments.
How to Reach us: | 979-458-7615 | ACAD 224

Research development encompasses a set of strategic, catalytic and capacity-building activities that advance research, especially in higher education. Research development professionals help researchers become more successful communicators, grant writers and advocates for their research. They help researchers bring new ideas to life.
Arts & Sciences Research Development
Step 1: Identify the RFP & Team
Email RD or complete online form once the RFP is determined and/or we can recommend funding opportunities. Determine the proposal team and/or we can assist with identifying potential Texas A&M faculty or other institutional partners. PI provides prior submission reviews for analysis at this time.
Step 2: Initial Proposal Meeting
In this meeting RD will complete a needs-analysis and determine action steps. Deliverables may include: timeline, outline, targeted budget analysis and RD program officer meetings.
Step 3: In Progress
While the team is working on the proposal, RD will simultaneously work on the action items with mutual check-ins as needed. In-progress document reviews, liaising with SRS, Texas A&M/System RD offices may occur during this stage.
Step 4: Document Reviews
RD strategic reviews of components, ancillary documents and/or the narrative. There may be multiple updates to documents and reviews during this stage.
Step 5: Final Submission Prep
Any final reviews of documents, RD and/or PI uploading of required and recommended documents. PI submits all documents to SRS according to timeline.

Your Research Development Team:
Sylvia Emmanuel
- Research Development Officer
- Office: ACAD 224
- Phone: 979-458-9107
- Email:

Research Development Services:
The list below is intended to provide information as to the consultative services we provide. It is imperative that researchers contact our office early in the pre-proposal or proposal process.
⊕ Throughout the process:
- Attend PI/team meetings as needed throughout the work
- Work in conjunction/liaise with: Federal & Foundation directors/program officers, SRS, VPR & System RD offices
⊕ During the PRE-PROPOSAL stage:
- Single PI
- Teams
- Multi-disciplinary proposal support
- Multi-institutional proposal support
- Small & large proposal support
- Groups
- Teams
- One-on-one
Technical Support
- Narrow topics
- Discuss funding opportunities
- Proposal team building
- Thesis/topic development
- Narrowing research topic/area
- Collaborations with other universities
- White paper development & review
- Program officer communication (throughout)
- Arrange funding director virtual talks regarding upcoming, new and existing opportunities in their directorates/areas
⊕ During the Early Proposal stage:
- Review & analyze prior submission comments
- Timeline and RFP precise outline
- Budget justification RFP alignment review
⊕ Early to Mid Proposal stages often overlap:
- Ensure budget is aligned with RFP overall and that titles & salary are within TAMU guidelines
- Specific agency & RFP questions and advisement
⊕ Mid Proposal stage:
- Templates for required documents, letters and sections
- Graphics & Graphic Reviews
⊕ Mid Proposal to Near Submission stage (2 weeks prior to deadline or earlier):
- Targeted proposal section support (ie. broader impacts, summary, introduction - persuasive and attention grabbing language)
- Arrange internal panel review
- Strategic proposal review