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Here at the College of Arts and Sciences Study Abroad Office, we want to support our faculty members at all stages of exploring and executing experiences for Aggies abroad.

How to Get Started

All faculty-led field trips and programs must work with an A&M-approved program provider to meet safety standards and university contractual requirements. Faculty must also connect with Education Abroad’s Faculty-led Development Team, who can help with selecting a program provider if you’re unsure where to start.

Field Trip vs Program

  • Faculty-led programs are short-term or semester-long programs where students take Texas A&M credit courses taught primarily abroad by Texas A&M faculty along with other Aggies.

  • Past Faculty-led Program Locations: Italy, France, Spain, Morocco, Germany, Ireland, Chile, Japan, Taiwan, etc.

  • Field trips are also short-term international trips, but the A&M courses are taught primarily on campus, with the international component (up to 2 weeks, usually taught over winter break or the Maymester) supplementing the classroom learning.

  • Past Faculty-led Field Trip Locations: the Bahamas, Barbados, Bonaire, Costa Rica, Vienna & Budapest, Qatar, etc.

  • Each can attract a different type of student and faculty, depending on what your goals are. While we’ve included the lists of past locations above, the possibilities are endless!


Faculty-led Field Trips must submit the International Field Trip Registration Form with the proposed trip itinerary to Education Abroad. The deadlines for doing so are the following:

  • January 15 for Summer and Fall field trips

    • Example: January 15, 2025, is the deadline for Summer 2025 and Fall 2025 field trips

  • September 15 for Winter and Spring field trips

    • Example: September 15, 2025, is the deadline for Winter 2025 and Spring 2026 field trips

Faculty-led Program Proposals must be submitted to the ArtSci Study Abroad Office (, with all required documentation, by the following deadlines:

  • February 1 for following Spring and Winter sessions

    • Example: February 1, 2025, is the deadline for Winter 2025 and Spring 2026 faculty-led programs

  • May 1 for following Summer, including May and August Programs

    • Example: May 1, 2025, is the deadline for all Summer 2026 faculty-led programs

  • October 1 for following Fall

    • Example: October 1, 2025, is the deadline for all Fall 2026 faculty-led programs

  • Please note that these are hard deadlines for the forms and all supporting documentation to be received.

Helpful Resources and Links for Faculty-Led Programs

College of Arts and Sciences Faculty-Led Program Checklist

  • Please note that the College of Arts and Sciences has unique Proposal requirements in addition to those asked for by Education Abroad. This is normal for each college in the university. We kindly ask that you include all relevant documents from the Checklist above when submitting your Faculty-led Program Proposal to our office. Any forms/documents that are incomplete or inaccurate will be returned, and you will risk not meeting the deadlines.

College of Arts and Sciences Faculty Leader Form
  • All Faculty Leaders must complete this form to ensure timely payment for your leadership of a program. Do not submit this form with blanks and please contact us with any questions.

College of Arts and Sciences Recruitment Plan Form
  • The College of Arts and Sciences asks that faculty for previously cancelled programs due to low enrollment and faculty for new programs include a Recruitment Plan within their Proposal documents. Although this is only a requirement for some programs, we highly encourage all our faculty to consider including a recruitment plan with their proposals. Our office will review and help you execute this recruitment plan to ensure we can see your program go abroad! If you’d like to meet with us to discuss your recruitment plan draft, we are more than happy to do so.

Complete Course List [Template]
  • The College of Arts and Sciences asks that our faculty include a complete course list with their Faculty-Led Program proposal, including whether the courses have already received non-traditional duration approval (which is required).

Syllabus Requirements
  • Syllabus Always Required: The College of Arts and Sciences requires all faculty-led trips and programs to include a fully detailed syllabus in their proposals for each course (including 285s/485s) regardless of if they are recurring or new programs/trips. Please utilize the TAMU Faculty Senate’s Minimum Syllabus Template when creating your syllabus to ensure it includes all required language.
  • Contact Hours: Please note that the College, Education Abroad, and the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB), will be reviewing contact hours in each course’s syllabus. You must provide a running tally of contact hours next to each class topic in the syllabus so these can be easily calculated. We are happy to assist with an example syllabus.